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In worship, fellowship, study, faith formation, and community outreach, we listen for and respond to God's life-giving Word, as we seek to share the love of Christ with our community and world.
Sundays at 10:15 AM, we gather to praise, thank, and offer all that we have and are to God. We sing, pray, and learn together as we are challenged and encouraged not just to come to church, but to BE the church.
Worship at Grace follows the ancient church calendar and liturgy in a way that responds to contemporary realities and forms of expression. Similarly, we combine ancient sacred music, classical hymnody, old-time gospel, and contemporary praise music to provide an authentic experience where anyone can encounter the presence of God in the form closest to their own heart.
Children in Worship
At Grace Church, we believe that children learn how to worship by being in worship and that they experience God's grace and love by being full members of a community; therefore, children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to be in the sanctuary for the whole service. God created kids to run, laugh, cry, play, wiggle, and make noise, and we believe that children glorify God by being completely who they are. We also recognize that this can be stressful for parents. For this reason, we have a play/pray space for children at the back of the sanctuary where they can color, play, dance, run around in circles until they fall down, all supervised by other parents in the congregation.

Read the most recent update on worship during the COVID pandemic here

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