Programs & Events
Community Garden
Funded by a Dig In! Community Garden grant, our community garden has eight 4'x8' raised beds (with an expansion planned for spring 2020) where we grow a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, and flowers.
The therapeutic benefits of working in the soil are well documented, as are the environmental and health benefits of eating a mostly local, plant-based diet; so, as a gesture of love and hospitality, our garden is open, free of charge, for anyone who wants to work or harvest from it.
Ecclesia Reformanda
As Christians who trace our history back to the Protestant Reformation, we are called to be ecclesia reformata semper reformanda segundum Verbum Dei ("The church reformed and always being reformed according to the Word of God"). Ecclesia Reformanda ("The church being reformed") is a church transformation prayer and study group that meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. This group meets to discuss four Big Questions: 1) Who is God? 2) Who are we? 3) Who are our neighbors? 4) Who and what is God calling us to be and do in this time and place?
The group eats, prays, studies Scripture, reads books and articles, and has tough conversations about important topics together as they seek faithful, meaningful ways to be and do church in the 21st century. All are welcome to participate in this group and help the church be always reforming!
Youth Group
Our all-ages youth group meets from September-June on the first Sunday of each month from 3:00-5:00 PM, and the third Friday of each month from 6:30-8:00 PM. Here, children will grow in their faith by engaging the stories of our faith through storytelling, arts & crafts, music, movies, play, and service. In addition to regular meetings, the youth group holds an annual Earth Day Celebration, Easter Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat, and Christmas Caroling Party!
Classical Concerts at Grace
This free monthly concert series brings world-class classical and jazz music to Passaic County, while at the same time providing valuable opportunities for young, talented musicians build their repertoire and gain exposure. Classical Concerts at Grace is produced by Emerging Artists of New Jersey.
2020 Winter/Spring Season:
All concerts begin at 7:00 PM unless otherwise noted
Saturday, January 25-- NJ Guitar Showcase
Saturday, February 29-- Duo Cavatina
Saturday, March 28-- Andrew Nieporent Band
Saturday, April 11-- Edison Pereya
Saturday, May 30-- Riverside Guitar Duo
Saturday, June 20-- Bajo Pontino
Creative & Curious
Children learn best when they are encouraged to freely explore the world around them and engage all their senses in their exploration. Creative and Curious is an innovative enrichment program for 2-4 year olds that explores language arts, science/nature, mathematics, social studies/geography, and health,safety/nutrition through art, music, movement, and emotional learning.
Visit for more information!